He stood on the opposite pavement, a tall man in a calf-length overcoat
Now read it again, and this time think about that phrase. List the questions it throws up. This is the sort of thing you should be aiming for:
- The He denotes that someone else is seeing this person - and give the reader a break... please don't make the narrator an off-page omniscient entity.
- pavement denotes more urban than rural setting
- a tall man - why would the narrator mention this? Why not just a man? Because his being tall means something to the narrator. Why does it?
- calf-length overcoat - this is a specific observation. Again, why? Is it out of the norm dress for other people on the street?
- There is no full-stop (period) given. Should there be more to the sentence?
Drop by next week for Wednesday Writing Prompt #3.
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