July is the summer promotion month for one of my ebook distributors, Smashwords.com, and a number of my titles are offered at discounts from 50% to Free. Don't delay, now is the time to try them. Enjoy!

25% discount: Beneath The Shining Mountains - Historical novel
1830s Northern Plains, among the Apsaroke/Crow people. Moon Hawk yearns for Winter Man, but why would a man with so many lovers want to take a wife? Her wry challenge to his virility captures Winter Man's attention and starts a game of tease and spar that leads to devastating consequences. A story of honour among rival warrior societies, and one woman's determination to wed the man of her dreams.
25% discount: Hostage of the Heart - Historical novel
1066: the Welsh Marches. Rhodri ap Hywel sweeps down the valley to
reclaim stolen lands, taking the Saxon Lady Dena as his battle hostage.
But who is more barbaric: a man who protects his people by the strength of his sword-arm, or Dena’s kin who swear fealty to a canon of lies and refuse to pay her ransom? Dare she place her life in the hands of a warrior-knight shielding dark secrets of his own?
But who is more barbaric: a man who protects his people by the strength of his sword-arm, or Dena’s kin who swear fealty to a canon of lies and refuse to pay her ransom? Dare she place her life in the hands of a warrior-knight shielding dark secrets of his own?
This non-fiction/fiction hybrid shows the detailed thinking behind the writing of ten stories across a range of genres using different modes of delivery. From the initial idea through the story itself, to a commentary explaining the decisions made during the writing, this book offers a unique insight into one writer’s creative process, laying a path to follow and showing the tools to use.
50% discount: Torc of Moonlight - Book 1 - Mythic Fantasy novel
When student Nick becomes obsessed with Alice and her determination to
find the shrine of a forgotten Celtic water goddess, he comes to realise
that history isn’t as quietly buried beneath his feet as he’d believed -
and it always repeats itself. Denying coincidences could get them both
killed. A multi-layered story of passion, betrayal and Celtic revenge.
FREE! Scent of the Böggel-Mann - Horror short
Elaine haunts auctions held in crumbling country mansions, dreaming of a find that will make her and Gary rich. A plain wooden shipping trunk has no key to its iron-banded locks but is far heavier than it should be. What might it contain?
‘Bricks,’ laughs a suave competitor.
‘A body,’ retorts Elaine.
Both are wrong. Both are right.
Beware the Böggel-Mann.