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Welcome to April! Yes, Spring is in the air and new beginnings abound.
Some months ago I was approached to contribute to a series Crimewriter Penny Grubb was facilitating on aspects of writing fiction, to be showcased on the Hornsea Writers webpage as Extracts From...
Oh gosh, where to start when every aspect is interconnected? And there it was, staring at me: start at the beginning.
Choosing two of my novels, a HistRom and a Horror, I explain why the openings are constructed the same way, yet are very different, in order to convey information a reader needs to settle into the fiction. Follow my pointer to read Extracts From...
In other news, across on the Medium platform, my own non-fiction series about Stonehenge through the ages is finally drawing to a close with parts 6, moving from the Neolithic into the Bronze Age, and 7, jumping to the 20th century, how Stonehenge was nearly lost to ineptitude. So much for it being a short series of four! I'll add in the link to No 6 when it's live. And here it is: Stonehenge #6: Of Cursuses and Barrows.
And that's it from me. Enjoy the sunshine - if it ever deigns to put in an appearance for more than half an hour at a stretch.
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