Short Fiction

I learned my craft writing short fiction for a variety of journals, mostly the plethora of women’s magazines in the UK and Scandinavia, but also occasionally in South Africa and Australia, as well as a range of non-fiction articles. Intermittently I wrote in other genres, as listed above.

Contribution To Mankind and other stories of the Dark is a collection of five stories of Speculative Fiction totalling 20,000 words. As this seems short, even for an ebook, I’ve bundled in 20,000 words of Torc of Moonlight as a good, meaty, taster to the trilogy that is my work-in-progress. The collection is on offer for $0.99.

A Sackful of Shorts isn’t my work, but an anthology from Hornsea Writers, the support group to which I can claim – gasp, wheeze - founder membership. Every writer needs some sort of writing buddy who will give incisive feedback and isn’t afraid to say when a drafted work needs burying. I have an entire group, and members work very well together as we each specialise in different genres. Most are published novelists and three of those are national award winners. The anthology weighs in at 33,000 words with 13 stories, including one of mine, a prize-winner as it happens, which isn’t available anywhere else. Again, is the place to purchase. Another $0.99 for your delectation, and all formats are offered.

Drop by occasionally, or keep an eye on the blog posts, as I am gathering stories for a Crime collection.

Thanks for reading.